Jenis-Jenis Hakmilik 1.0

Hakmilik merujuk pada suatu dokumen atau geran yang mengandungi maklumat berkenaan sesuatu tanah, antara lain seperti rekod ketuanpunyaan, sekatan-sekatan, jumlah cukai tahunan, lokaliti dan saiz hartanah tersebut.

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Administration of Estates in Malaysia

When your loved ones passed away, their assets will be frozen and nobody is allowed to take them into possession without first obtaining permission and authorization from Court or other relevant authorized bodies such as JKPTG and..

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An Overview of Defamation Law in Malaysia

Article 10 of the Federal Constitution provides some sort of guarantee to freedom of speech and expression to the people of Malaysia. Nevertheless, Article 10 cannot be used as a shield for anyone who wishes to make false allegations, condemn or circulate..

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Rights of a Landlord

You have a house, you rent it to somebody, and that somebody defaulted in paying his monthly rental to you. What options do you have as a landlord?

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